Sunday 12 October 2014

My Work

I Retired from work almost 14 years ago, but until earlier this year we coped well, I then spent the aforementioned month in Leicesters Royal Infirmary, having had a terrible time, and the Worst of prognosis, the reason I say this is that I was before retiring an RMN (Psychiatric Nurse), 

In answer to your questions YES I am receiving the best of treatment and support, I am on higher dose Bu-trans (Morphine) plus I'm on Pregabalin, Carbamazipine, and Duloxetine which was originally just for PAIN, but is now for depression too as I can't have other antidepressants due to reactions with my other meds and conditions, I'm also doing a Program with Medical Psychology to help live with and though the pains, I have other medication options that I have declined so far, and want to wait until. !!!!!! 

Yes Kieth, I am hurting, and not just the physical pain, I don't want to Die, I don't want pain, truth is I don't feel strong enough to fight, BUT Most of all I really DON'T want to leave my lovely family, that's the hardest bit of all, and every day I cry at the thought that soon we will be parted, and nothing takes that sadness away,nothing makes that feel better, . 

I am going to Die, very very soon, And I can't stop it,BUT if I Can stop just 1 of you out there dying in such terrible pain and tragedy then I have Lived for a reason, a purpose, and have left my mark on the world. ... Right ?


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